What is Information Architecture? How to Create Userflows and Sitemaps for UX Design

A website is not focused on design only because there is a multitude of other details that ultimately affect the user experience. The Politico website below uses both navigation and a search function. It demonstrates an example of a content-heavy site that groups the information into categories making it easier to find topics.

web information architecture

Global or site-wide – present across all the pages, this navigation enables the users to get to the main page from every location, for example, left- or right-sided, top-centered, sticky menus, footers, or hamburger menus. Data modeling is usually the final step before prototypes go to stakeholders and engineers for development. This step outlines how the website will handle new information after the site goes live. Make it easy for users to see where they are and to return to the homepage, no matter how many links they click on your site.

What is meant by user-centered design?

We can help with everything from web design to content writing and more. Wireframes are visual guides that represent the framework of a website. If you want to see how everything connects, using a wireframe will help you visually understand the categories and connections between them.

If it’s easy to find needed information on your website or application, users won’t contact support unnecessarily — they will be able to find answers to their questions by themselves. We don’t want our users to be distracted when they visit our website or application. Good Information Architecture makes it easy for them to follow the task they are trying to achieve. Simple categories on Zappos, along with clear navigation through them after clicking. Nonintrusive offers on the right and a search bar within the specific category to make things even easier. In this world where we can sometimes feel as though we are drowning in data, Information Architecture provides us with a logical way of organizing this data to make it easier to locate.

User Research and Analysis

A sitemap is a way to illustrate the hierarchy of content and display navigation. Once you know what a user wants, you can update the content of an existing website and list it. The main activities to perform at this stage are content inventory and content audit. Because whether you choose to create global navigation menus, sidebars, or breadcrumbs, navigation is key to a great user experience. As you complete the steps above, you might want to make notes about navigation. Competitive research, your sitemap, and user research are all important.

  • These elements are listed in a content template with their characteristics included.
  • Because it makes information easy to access, the users are more likely to make decisions that are beneficial for the website users.
  • Based on the information gathered during research and the decisions made during hierarchy creation, an IA will sketch out certain key screens in order to demonstrate how a user will interact with the information available.
  • It demonstrates an example of a content-heavy site that groups the information into categories making it easier to find topics.
  • For some information architects, wireframes are the best way to represent the connections between different screens including hanged tvs with a full motion tv mount and identify how the site will work from a practical perspective.
  • Instead, use this step to focus on your unique users and what they want from your website.

This could be major items on the navigation bar, where you have to click on CTAs (Call To Actions) to open them. Once you’re done with your userflow, the next thing is to validate the diagram. This just means reviewing the userflow to make sure it’s accurate, usable, and aligns with the users’ needs. Now, this article aims to help you go back to the basics and remind you of the meaning and importance of IA. So if you don’t really understand the concept of Information Architecture, this is the best place to be.

Methods To Test Your Navigation

This is a mistake because efficient navigation is not possible without a good Information Architecture foundation. Don’t make the mistake of assuming that users will have the same needs or preferences as you. It is only after truly understanding the needs of your users that you can figure out how to organize the information on your site to meet their needs. Additionally, your site might have more than one type of user so its important to create different personas for each user type.

web information architecture

Usability testing allows you to make sure the designed structure works for your users. During usability testing, participants are required to interact with your product in a typical way, like they would’ve done in real life. For example, you can ask them to look for specific information (e.g., contact or payment details, certain item for sale, etc.) or perform a specific task (e.g., register a new account, complete a purchase, etc.). The main goal here is to check if users can easily get what they need from your app or website.

Understanding and Showing Visual Hierarchy

We’ll use the blueprint reference often because the purpose of both documents is nearly identical. Just like a blueprint, IA provides designers (as well as product development and engineering teams) a bird’s-eye view of the entire product. Good Information Architecture allows http://qcentr.ru/certificate/kontakty/sertifikat/kontakty.html you to engage your users better and for a longer time, for example, with the use of well-designed navigation and a well-presented value proposition. Plus, if users easily find what they need on your website, they most likely won’t search for more on competitors’ sites.