5 Types of Alcoholics According to the NIAAA

5 types of alcoholics

The average age of dependent young adults is almost 25 years old, and they first became dependent at an average age of around 20 years old. They tend to drink less frequently than people of other types (an average of 143 days a year). However, most of their drinking is binge drinking – they drink 5 or more drinks on 73% of their drinking days. This pattern of alcohol use is more likely to be hazardous than non-binging patterns.

  • They typically participate in 12-Step groups or are treated by private healthcare professionals.
  • Deep down they have a lot of shame and blame themselves for things within the family system.
  • If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol use disorder, you should seek help right away.

Binge Drinking

  • And 47% of the members of this group exhibit antisocial personality disorder, the second highest rate of any subtype.
  • Beta alcoholics may not feel a compelling need to drink, but their pattern of heavy alcohol consumption leads to health problems such as liver disease, gastritis, or neuropathy.
  • Join us in navigating the complexities of alcoholism, fostering empathy, and shedding light on the diverse ways people approach and overcome the challenges of addiction.

By using more neutral or clinical terminology, like “alcohol use disorder” and “individuals managing alcohol use disorder,” it becomes easier for people to acknowledge their issues and seek treatment without feeling labeled or judged. While most high-functioning 5 types of alcoholics alcoholics begin drinking at about 18, they don’t develop an addiction to alcohol until their late 30s. Approximately one-third have a family history of alcoholism, and about one-quarter have been diagnosed with major depression.

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By clicking “Submit,” you certify that you have provided your legal name and phone number, agree to the terms and conditions and privacy policy, and authorize Addictionresource to contact you. You consent to receive SMS notifications and promotions from Addictionresource. They can be reckless and unreliable, either drinking on the job (as their condition intensifies) or showing up for work hungover and unprepared to perform.

5 types of alcoholics

Functioning Alcoholic and Other Types Of Alcoholics

5 types of alcoholics

However, those that do fall into this subtype display the most severe symptoms of chronic alcoholism. Most of this group started drinking around 15 years old and find themselves with alcohol dependence at around 29. Out of all the other subtypes, this one rates the highest for abuse of other substances and other psychiatric disorders. Many will suffer from dysthymia, major depression, general anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, phobias, and panic attacks. This group is also most likely to be addicted to multiple substances other than alcohol such as Marijuana, Cocaine, Opioids, and cigarettes. This subtype contains the lowest levels of employment, education, and income out of all other subtypes.

Factors that Contribute to Intermediate Familial Alcoholism

5 types of alcoholics

Most are smokers, and they’re more likely than other subtypes to use other drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, opioids and amphetamines. More than three-quarters of young antisocial alcoholics are male, and about 15 percent https://ecosoberhouse.com/ are married. They drink approximately 201 days out of each year and usually consume five or more drinks per sitting. This group has one of the lowest education levels of any subtype and also has the lowest employment rate.

The Binge Drinker

  • The classification system described in this study will have broad application in both clinical and research settings.” A report of the study is now available online in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence.
  • They may suffer from health issues related to long-term alcohol consumption, such as liver damage, cardiovascular problems, and mental health issues.
  • The functional alcoholic may be good at covering up emotional distress and issues with alcohol, and able to maintain outward appearances of success.
  • For those struggling with alcohol addiction, as well as their loved ones, numerous resources and support systems are available.
  • Intermediate familiar alcoholics are typically employed and have a close family member who’s an alcoholic too.

In addition, Moss said it is crucial for functional alcoholics to focus on abstinence or return to less dangerous drinking levels. Nearly half of them have a close family member who is also an alcoholic. They have an average age of 38 years, began drinking at almost age 17, and developed alcohol dependence at an average age of 32 years. Intermediate familial alcoholics drink on an average of 172 days a year, consuming five or more drinks on 54% of those days with a maximum of 10 drinks.

5 types of alcoholics

Call now to connect with a treatment provider and start your recovery journey. Get professional help from an addiction and mental health counselor from BetterHelp. Environmental influences, such as social and cultural factors, can also contribute to functional alcoholism. High-stress environments, peer pressure, and easy access to alcohol can increase the likelihood of alcohol misuse. Around 80% of these alcoholics have a genetic link to alcoholism, with members of their immediate family has struggled with or still struggling with alcoholism. About a third of the members of this group seek help for recovery; when they do, they prefer private treatment programs, detox programs, and self-help groups.

The Chronic-Severe Alcoholic

What Are the Risks of Alcohol Abuse?